
Top 3 Risk Business Travel Risks in 2023

 As the world recovers from the recent global pandemic, the strict regulations that prohibited domestic and international travels have been removed, replaced by more relaxed rules. This has allowed many affairs to come back to relevance including business travels. But the landscape for traveling has changed, not only impacted by residual risk and fear from the pandemic, but also other factors. This blog will present the top 3 business travel risks in 2023 as cited by leading travel risk management service providers.  # Extreme Weather As climate change increases due to growing global carbon emissions and other factors, weather conditions all over the world are becoming more extreme and erratic. This increases the chances of occurrences of devastating floods, wildfires, heatwaves, cyclones, and droughts. Dealing with the disruptions of these natural forces will require robust plans to slow down and potentially stall climate change, as well as reinforcing infrastructure and enhancing e

How to Execute an Emergency Response Plan In the Event of an Active Shooting Incident

 The world is experiencing one of the most intensive periods of active shooter incidents in history. The latest report issued by the FBI in 2021 indicates that active shooter incidents have more than doubled over the past five years. During the same period, the amount of casualties from these events has more than quadrupled. With over four times the casualties and twice the number of active shooter incidents over a seven-year span, it is anticipated that this expansive trend will continue on an upward spiral in the future.  Rethinking of Organizational Preparedness  The recent increase in active shooter incidents has caused organizations worldwide to rethink their strategies for protecting their most critical assets, their people. Both individuals and companies must think beyond the simple strategy of having a gun readily available. The difference between surviving the attack or becoming a statistic may come down to how well you have planned and prepared a concrete response plan. This

4 Biggest Risks and Threats for Companies in 2022

 Every company regardless of its industry faces risks and threats. While some of these risks may be universal, some are specific to certain industries. Since they are not always apparent, one of the biggest challenges multiple companies face is identifying these risks which pose potential serious crisis situations. This blog will go through four biggest risks companies have to prepare for in 2022. #1 Date Breaches In an age where data has become so incredibly valuable, companies need to take effective measures to protect their data. With multiple incidents happening every year, data has become the prime target of a cybercrime. To protect data, particularly the personal information of clients and customers, companies need to double down on their cybersecurity systems. #2 Burnout While it’s nothing new in the corporate world, the recent post-covid surges by companies has put immense pressure and stress among the leaders and rank and file of numerous establishments. Decision makers have h

How to Execute an Emergency Response Plan In the Event of an Active Shooting Incident

  The world is experiencing one of the most intensive periods of active shooter incidents in history. The latest report issued by the FBI in 2021 indicates that active shooter incidents have more than doubled over the past five years. During the same period, the amount of casualties from these events has more than quadrupled. With over four times the casualties and twice the number of active shooter incidents over a seven-year span, it is anticipated that this expansive trend will continue on an upward spiral in the future.  Rethinking of Organizational Preparedness   The recent increase in active shooter incidents has caused organizations worldwide to rethink their strategies for protecting their most critical assets, their people. Both individuals and companies must think beyond the simple strategy of having a gun readily available. The difference between surviving the attack or becoming a statistic may come down to how well you have planned and prepared a concrete response plan. Th

Crisis Management Companies – Choosing the ‘One’

  No organization or business is immune from crisis.  Economic crashes, pandemics, geopolitical relations and warfare, cyber-attacks, and workplace violence all impact business differently.  Whether unforeseen or unprepared, organizations must respond to ensure employee safety and business continuity.  Having a qualified, credible and experienced spokesperson on your team is essential when choosing a crisis management company .  Your partnership choice relies on collaborating with someone who will excel under pressure and help you identify strategic short and long-term areas in which your business will provide focus, assets, and resources.  The right crisis management company will effectively assess, respond to, and mitigate your business's actual and anticipated impact with objectivity, clarity, and purpose. The Baghera Group believes that success lies in choosing a crisis management company that excels in the following four areas.  AGILITY AND SWIFTNESS Crisis brings rapid cha