Top 3 Risk Business Travel Risks in 2023

 As the world recovers from the recent global pandemic, the strict regulations that prohibited domestic and international travels have been removed, replaced by more relaxed rules. This has allowed many affairs to come back to relevance including business travels. But the landscape for traveling has changed, not only impacted by residual risk and fear from the pandemic, but also other factors. This blog will present the top 3 business travel risks in 2023 as cited by leading travel risk management service providers. 

# Extreme Weather

As climate change increases due to growing global carbon emissions and other factors, weather conditions all over the world are becoming more extreme and erratic. This increases the chances of occurrences of devastating floods, wildfires, heatwaves, cyclones, and droughts. Dealing with the disruptions of these natural forces will require robust plans to slow down and potentially stall climate change, as well as reinforcing infrastructure and enhancing emergency preparedness in settlements of all scales. 

# The Pandemic and Its Residual Impact

While the worst of the Covid crisis is over, its impact will continue beyond 2022. As is apparent, business, education, entertainment, work, and other aspects of life will function in ways that avoid grouping and socializing as much as possible. Adapting back to a pre-pandemic state will take time and come with unique sets of challenges that may disrupt domestic and global affairs, and business across all industries. 

# Increased Travel Cost

As demands for travel rise with regulations slowly becoming more relaxed, the cost for domestic and international travel has surged this year, and is expected to rise even more in 2023. For corporations, this will require them to revise their budget and even make necessary changes if they have bigger interests or priorities to allot their expenditures on. 


When going on a business trip, it is important to have all bases covered and take proactive measures for any identifiable risks. Not only does this promote the safety and security of the person traveling, but also protects the reputation of the employer.

If you're looking for a reliable company that provides travel risk management services, Baghera Group is a leading company that delivers planning and coordination of safety, security and logistical factors critical to international and domestic business travels. To check out and enlist their service, visit their website.


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